At the Postal Regulatory Commission: In a separate communication (and a truly extraordinary one for), the Envelope Manufacturers Associaton told the PRC that "we think there is an important precedent here that should not be violated. That precedent is that the Postal Service must operate under the parameters that were set up in PAEA for an important reason; to incentivize the USPS to operate in a businesslike manner. If we want to have our Postal Service here in the future, it must operate its business under these parameters. We cannot return to the previous system of ratemaking. If we allow the United States Postal Service to breach the intent that was put in place in 2006, we believe we do long-term harm to ever operating the Postal Service as a business. We believe that a recession is not an exceptional circumstance under the law as we understand it, and we should not set a precedent for future generations to have to deal with by breaching an important protection for postal customers that was designed to ensure the Postal Service would be here in the future." From