WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service today honored Ohio-based branding agency Mlicki with a Marketing Achievement in Innovation and Leadership (MAIL) Award for a direct mail campaign that attained a 10 percent response rate.

Recognized for creative and effective use of direct mail to achieve business goals, Mlicki won the MAIL Award for its Blue Octo Classified Dossier. The "dossier" direct mail piece was part of a multichannel marketing campaign to launch Blue Octo, a line of industrial waste-water pumps manufactured by Gorman-Rupp, Mansfield, Ohio. The Blue Octo Classified Dossier direct mail piece was sent to 3,000 prospects, generating 300 sales.

"The Postal Service is pleased to honor Mlicki with the first MAIL Award," said Paul Vogel, president and chief marketing/sales officer. "Their fun and creative use of direct mail is sure to inspire other companies to take advantage of one of the most effective ways to promote new products and prospect new customers."

In addition to the direct mail piece, the integrated campaign included a Blue Octo microsite, social media, print advertising and direct e-mail.

"The Postal Service continues to work with businesses of all sizes to help them adopt best practices and use the mail in conjunction with other marketing strategies," added Vogel.

Nominations were solicited through Deliver magazine, delivermagazine.com and the Postal Service sales team. Judging was conducted by representatives from the Postal Service and Deliver magazine and by private-sector direct mail experts.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.