From the National Postal Forum via USPS News Link:
As it continues to redesign internal activities to meet its four business strategies, the Postal Service also will focus on perfecting its core function of delivering - to make sure the value that businesses get from using the mail is strengthened and improved, PMG Pat Donahoe vowed yesterday at the National Postal Forum (NPF).

"Our goal is to focus on what we do best: delivering - to help you grow your business," said Donahoe, speaking to mailing industry representatives attending the opening session of NPF. "This is a focus that is especially important to how we serve this industry. We provide a platform for your commerce. The better the platform, the better we can meet your needs."
Despite the ever-expanding channels of electronic communications, Donahoe said he believes mail will remain a powerful tool that businesses can use to reach their customers. This is especially true when mail is used in conjunction with other media. USPS will make it easier and more convenient for businesses to work with USPS to simplify how they can use using mail as part of their marketing strategies.

Confident that Americans still value the delivery of printed communications and advertising, the PMG announced USPS later this year will develop a major advertising campaign to support the mail and to work with mailers to strengthen the entire industry.
"You will see a lot from us in the coming year that reflects on this focus," Donahoe assured customers. "That extends to innovation, the way we approach the marketplace, strengthening our systems and processes, and removing barriers to growth."