For the Central Missouri Postal Customer Council (PCC), mailer education never stops. It doesn't stop with attendance at the National Postal Forum (NPF). It doesn't stop with earning Executive Mail Center Manager or Mail Design Professional certificates. And it doesn't stop with attending local PCC events.

The PCC has now launched its "PCC University" to provide continuing education to its members. PCC University is not an actual college or university, but rather an organization that strives to give you "credit" for your U.S. postal related activities with the PCC and NPF.

"PCC University is designed to help build membership and increase participation in educational opportunities," explains Industry Co-Chair Cathy Rupard, who announced the new program at the PCC's annual Fall Mailers' Conference. "Members get "credits" for attending educational events sponsored by the PCC or through the National Postal Forum."

Rupard says members who aren't interested in following a specific track, or earning a specific certificate, will still find value in the courses offered.

St. Louis County Collector of Revenue Tim Lee, a longtime executive board member, says it's a "great way to promote PCC education and keep members active and engaged." He also pointed out that participants will be able to show their companies that they are improving their individual skills and learning more to help their company improve its bottom line.

"The program promotes active participation in the PCC, and gets participants involved in leadership roles," says Lee.

"There already has been increased attendance at PCC education sessions", says Jim Williams, Manager of Business Mail Entry for the Postal Service's Gateway District. "Postal employees had been delivering mailer education programs but we are now able to draw on a wide range of qualified teachers from various mailing industry sources to offer even more educational opportunities to PCC members."

Williams says this program also will strengthen relationships between the four PCCs in the Gateway District as they work together to provide more formal training opportunities to members.

Central MO PCC Industry Co-Chair, Cathy Rupard, has expanded on the ability for future students to enroll and any PCC nationwide to participate in the program. With the help of Greg Polk of Peak Business Equipment in St. Louis, the website: has launched. The website allows any PCC nationwide to announce seminars, conferences and industry events; and it allows attendees the ability to obtain credit toward a bachelors, masters or PhD from PCC U.

This program is still in the pilot stage. All questions, comments or suggestions to improve the quality of the program or website are greatly appreciated.
