March 16 2007 11:54 AM

March DMM Update


Postal Explorer ( always provides the most up-to-date version of the DMM. It's fully searchable and easy to navigate using the fly-out menus, cross-reference links, and subject index. Today we updated our mailing standards to capture the following changes:


Intelligent Mail Barcodes
We revised to 202.5.0, 233.5.1, 243.6.0, 243.7.1, 707.14.1.1, and 708.4.3.1 to allow mailers to use Intelligent Mail barcodes (previously called "4-State Customer Barcodes") on automation-rate First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Standard Mail letters for rate eligibility, in lieu of POSTNET delivery point barcodes.


Label Carriers Used With Periodicals Mail
We revised 707.3.3.10 to permit incidental, but limited, graphics in the return address area of a label carrier used to carry the delivery address for a mailpiece. We also expanded the standards for text on the front of a label carrier to allow it to reference material on the reverse of the label carrier or within the contents of the host Periodicals publication.


Decisions on First-Class Mail and Standard Mail Appeals
We revised
604.10.1.2 to change the authority for final agency decisions on appeals of local post office decisions that material must be entered as First-Class Mail, rather than as Standard Mail. The revised standards do not change mailer procedures.


Special Cancellations
We revised 608.4.2 to reflect changes in the use of ink jet technology rather than die hubs to apply special cancellations.


Our next DMM update will capture the pricing and mailing standards changes from the rate case. We will post this version of the DMM in advance of the pricing change to help you get ready, and we will let you know as soon as it is available.



Cycle L CASS Certified Software Changes


Beginning August 1, 2007, mailers must use Cycle L CASS Certified software to obtain automation discounts. Cycle L CASS Certified address matching software combines the DPV and LACSLink products into a single address matching process. The new software will significantly improve the quality of addressing by providing all three technologies; address matching, validation of delivery point, and up-to-date address information for municipal conversions in one complete software product. 


A new guide, A Mailer's Guide to CASS Certification Requirements -, frequently asked questions, and other helpful information is available on



What's New in FAST?


By late spring, USPS facilities will receive advance notification of Periodicals drop shipments through the Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) system. 


By including Periodicals in FAST, business mailers including mail owners, preparers, and schedulers will have enhanced visibility of their scheduled Periodicals drop shipments at each facility. Mailers can track their drop shipments, receive advance notification of redirections, submit and manage recurring appointment requests online, and have joint scheduling capabilities. We will continue to accept Periodicals mail any time a facility is open and staffed. Periodicals are not restricted to the drop shipment hours defined for Standard Mail and Package Services mail.


USPS facilities will be able to use the additional information they receive for Periodicals appointments to better forecast the quantity of trips and the volume expected at their location on a given day. This added visibility will allow facilities to staff efficiently and reduce unload wait times for those delivering and transporting Periodicals.


Get ready to go with FAST for Periodicals! For more information see the March 15, Postal Bulletin.


