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June 28 2011 06:38 PM

The following instructions apply for mailers who wish to submit electronic documentation prior to July 1 for drop-ship mailings with the mobile barcode discount that will be inducted on or after July 1. Mailers may submit electronic documentation with a mailers mailing date prior to July 1. PostalOne! will report a validation warning upon file submission but will accept the submission of the file. PostalOne! will allow the finalization of the electronic statement after July 1. Until July 1 mailers must submit hardcopy postage statements for drop-ship mailings with the mobile barcode discount along with electronic documentation. Acceptance employees will calculate the 3% discount and subtract it from total postage to determine net postage due. The net postage due will be entered as an adjustment transaction for the permit imprint used for the mailing. On July 1, the acceptance employee will reverse the original adjustment transaction and finalize the electronically submitted statement. Beginning July 1 mailers will no longer need to submit hardcopy postage statements along with electronic documentation and PostalOne! will automatically calculate and apply the 3% discount upon finalization of the electronic statement.