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June 27 2011 08:52 PM

PC Magazine--The biggest problem with email is fraud. If the USPS had oversight over all email in one way or another, these illegal schemes could be considered mail fraud and something might be done about them, since the requirements for prosecution are less stringent than what the FBI might need. The USPS has always gotten a bad rap, but still provides one of the best physical mail systems in the world. For 44 cents, you can send an ounce of mail cross country to be hand delivered. I mean, just think about that process. I think the opportunity for the USPS peaked when Hotmail appeared on the scene as a free email service. The Post Office should have cloned the idea as many others did. Or it could have partnered with Hotmail or perhaps Yahoo. In the process, we all could have obtained standardized email addressing and formatting.

Right now, there is no standard for email. I do not think it is too late for the USPS to introduce a spam-free email system for the public at large. Although, horrible stories about government intrusions have made the public paranoid, so the time might not be right. Over the years, though, the USPS has done a better job of not opening your mail than snoops within a corporation. It's something to think about. Read more!