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Nov. 3 2011 02:42 PM

ALEXANDRIA, VA-The Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association, the national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment industry with more than 500 members, announced today its support for bi-partisan legislation to address the solvency of the U. S. Postal Service. MFSA President and CEO J. Kenneth Garner said, "We applaud Senators Lieberman, Collins, Carper and Brown for their efforts to create a bi-partisan solution to the financial crisis of the Postal Service. Without prompt action, the Postal Service literally could run out of money in 2012. Such a failure would jeopardize the health of an industry employing eight million workers in thousands of companies in the U. S. who depend upon the Postal Service for the delivery of its products."

About the Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association
MFSA is the national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment services industry. For more than 91 years MFSA has been working to improve the business environment for mailing and fulfillment companies and to provide learning and professional development of the managers of these companies.

The association is comprised of more than 500 companies, most of which are located in the USA and Canada. Regular members are in the mailing services, product fulfillment, or literature fulfillment business. Associate members are the suppliers to the mailing and fulfillment services business. These suppliers are providing mailing and fulfillment companies with hardware, software, mailing lists, transportation services, and supplies-the full range of products and services needed by professional high-volume mailers and shippers.