January 23, 2008, Alexandria, VA -- David A. Weaver, President and CEO of the Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association, announced his retirement date at the recent MFSA Mid-Winter Executive Conference in Maui.


Weaver, who has served as the association's chief staff officer for twenty years, told the general session at the conference that he would retire on July 31, 2008.  "I intend to spend the last seven months of my time at MFSA working to strengthen the association, assisting the board with its search for a successor, and then working for a smooth transition to a new CEO," Weaver said.  "This is a wonderful association and I want to help ensure its continued viability for many years into the future," he added.  


MFSA is the national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment services industry.  For 88 years MFSA has worked to improve the business environment for mailing service and fulfillment companies and to provide opportunities for learning and the professional development of the management of these companies.  MFSA provides management education, employee training, business surveys unique to the industry, networking opportunities, instant postal information, other business news, and individual help with technical, employment, fulfillment and postal issues.

For more information about MFSA, please visit www.MFSAnet.org
