Contingency plans for acceptance of mailings are available for mailers who may be affected by Hurricane Sandy. If PostalOne! ® is unavailable in hurricane-impacted areas, or mailers are unable to produce/submit their electronic mailing documentation or postage statements, the BMEU, DMU or Post Office will operate under the PostalOne! Contingency Plan. Please consult with your local Manager of Business Mail Entry for possible alternate acceptance locations if the office at which your mailings are normally submitted is closed due to the storm.

Below is a brief summary of the PostalOne! Contingency Plan, which will allow mailings to continue to be accepted with as little impact on the mailer as possible: Acceptance units will move to a manual process when necessary to record mailings presented if the PostalOne! system is unavailable.

Acceptance units will complete A Record of Mailings log for each permit holder that presents a mailing if the PostalOne! system is unavailable.

Mailers who normally submit their postage statements electronically, either through the Postal Wizard or through Mail.dat® or Mail.XML®, may submit hardcopy postage statements or provide a hardcopy log with pertinent mailing information.

The log must include, at a minimum, the following elements: Mailer Name, Permit Holder Name, Permit Number/Type, Processing Category, Class, Total pieces, Total Full Service pieces and Total Postage.

If a mailer is unable to upload files and PostalOne! is operational, the Full-Service discount will be allowed pending resolution of the problem.

Mailers will need to submit their Full-Service electronic documentation once the systems are restored.

Mailers who are entering Plant Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) mailings and cannot reach the intended destinating facility should refer to the Mail Services Update on at for the latest list of affected postal facilities and redirections. If you have any questions please call the USPS PostalOne! Help Desk at 800-522-9085.

IMb Reminder: January 28, 2013 is almost here...are you ready? Have you converted from POSTNET® to the Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb?)? To be eligible for automation discounts you must use the IMb. Contact those who can help speed up the conversion: your software vendor, your mail service provider or your local USPS? manager, Business Mail Entry. We are here to help. Editor's Note: And be sure to look for the November/December issue of Mailing Systems Technology, where we will have a special section devoted to transitioning to IMb.