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July 27 2010 08:39 AM

    minonline has reported that "in min's exclusive interview with Postal Regulatory Commission Chair Ruth Goldway recently, she seemed inclined to agree with the assessment that magazines actually have been under-paying for a number of years. Goldway pointed out that periodical rates had fallen behind years ago. in covering that actual costs of processing the mail. "On the face of it now, this 8% increase that they are presenting is something that is justified," she told us. "We completely disagree with her apparent conclusion that magazines are underpaying," James Cregan, evp government affairs, MPA tells minonline. "If the case proceeds to the evidentiary stage we will present ample evidence that Chairman Goldway's apparent conclusions are not supported by the evidence. We are confident we will prevail." As we reported in minonline online on July 12, Chairman Goldway acknowledges that a more thorough evaluation of the costs of handling magazines is underway. "We may get different information," she told us, and Goldway expected the issue of periodical costs to be hotly contested. "But the bottom line is that the requirements for now of the law mean that the Postal Service and the Postal Regulatory Commission are supposed to make sure that periodicals cover their cost." Read the full story here.
