Please join the USPS Pricing and Costing team on Tuesday, March 8 at 1:00 p.m. (ET) for a high-level overview of the Exigent Surcharge Rollback. This webinar will feature Sharon Owens, VP, Pricing and Costing and Steve Monteith, Executive Director, Product. They will share information regarding the regulatory reason for the Exigent Surcharge Rollback on April 10, which products are impacted, and which are not. Attendees will also have an opportunity to submit questions to the panel during this webinar. If you would like to submit your questions before the call, you can submit them to Attendance is limited to the first 500 participants, so we ask your cooperation in having multiple attendees log-in from one computer in a conference room, if possible. For those not able to attend, or log-in, the recorded March 8, 2016, Special Pricing and Costing Webinar will be made available on the Industry Outreach, Webinar Archives tab on the RIBBs website.Attendee Information: US/Canada Attendee Dial-in: (866) 381-9870 Conference ID: 61871112 Attendee Direct URL: you cannot join using the direct link above, please use the alternate logins below: Alternate URL: http://usps.webex.comEvent Number: 994 795 404