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July 9 2012 08:44 PM

ALEXANDRIA, VA-The Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association (MFSA), the national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment industry with more than 480 members, announced during its Annual Conference held in Asheville, NC this past June, that the member companies attending this year's conference represented a quorum and voted favorably to changing the official name of the association to the Association of Marketing Service Providers.

CEO and president, Ken Garner stated, "It is important to understand that this rebranding does not mean the association is abandoning its core membership. This strategy is additive not subtractive.' The association will continue to provide the core products and services that characterize MFSA's current value proposition. We intend to add educational content and new products and services that will enable our members to become marketing service providers."

Chairman of the Board, Mike Kellogg, added, "I am very excited because a lot of work went into the process of changing the name and to have it almost universally accepted is gratifying. Our association has a very long history. My company, Century Direct, LLC, has been a member for more than 80 years. Commercial Letter in St Louis has been a member for more than 90 years. This pedigree will not go away simply because a name has changed."

Garner commented, "We had some bylaw and articles of incorporation voting thresholds that had to be satisfied. We easily cleared those hurdles with the overwhelming majority of voting members approving the proposed name change. The new name will be the Association of Marketing Service Providers. It will become official the first of next year."

During the Awards Gala held on Monday evening of the Annual Conference, Connie Hill, recipient of the Leo G. Bernheimer Award and past MFSA Chairman, stepped away from the podium with a comment that left many nodding their heads in agreement, "You will meet people in our industry who will change your life."

About the Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association
MFSA is the national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment services industry. For more than 91 years MFSA has been working to improve the business environment for mailing and fulfillment companies and to provide learning and professional development of the managers of these companies.

The association is comprised of more than 480 companies, most of which are located in the USA and Canada. Regular members are in the mailing services, product fulfillment, or literature fulfillment business. Associate members are the suppliers to the mailing and fulfillment services business. These suppliers are providing mailing and fulfillment companies with hardware, software, mailing lists, transportation services, and supplies-the full range of products and services needed by professional high-volume mailers and shippers.
