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July 16 2010 07:25 AM

From USPS Sr. V.P. Customer Relations Stephen Kearney: "With the exception of some minor modifications, the mailing standards governing contents of a publication eligible for periodicals pricing have not changed since 1995. A lot, however, has happened in 15 years. We've seen dramatic changes in lifestyles, customer preferences, ways of doing business and technology. During the past year, USPS and the periodicals mailing industry have been discussing changes needed in content standards. The team saw its hard work rewarded this past Tuesday, when the Federal Register final rule updating the standards was posted on Postal Explorer. Effective Sept. 7, 2010, the current advertising limitation on loose supplements - except for separately addressed loose supplements with a mailing of unwrapped copies of an issue of a bound periodicals publication - is removed. In addition, the updated standards revise the regulations on multi-layer pages, providing publishers more latitude in page design. The standards on protective covers and attachments also have been updated for consistency with past rulings. Finally, provisions concerning the mailing of products and product samples have been simplified.
