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July 18 2010 12:19 PM

According to the Marietta Times, "The reality is that e-mail, UPS, FedEx and other services, as well as the slow economy, have hit the postal service hard, and it is strapped by the ongoing mandate to provide six-day delivery to every address in the nation. It's a luxury of a time past, and it's a luxury the postal service cannot afford. The postal service is not taxpayer supported, receiving no direct tax subsidies from the federal treasury, and must be able to pay its own bills and stand as much on its own two feet as possible. Federal budgetary gamesmanship in the form of allowing the postal service to miss a pension fund payment, has delayed the tough decisions for a time, but the decisions are now staring the postal service in the face. The numbers are serious, and would send private industry to making radical choices or finding partners or buyers. Unless the postal service is permitted to make changes in its basic services to reflect the needs of the nation today, the time will come when this former federal agency won't be able to pay its bills and another federal bailout will be looming, a bailout the government cannot afford on the heels of the bailouts it already couldn't afford. The time has come to cut and change postal services." Read more here.