The USPS has completed its testing of the Mailer Scorecard for Full-Service with Mailers Technical Advisory Committee members (Task Team 23.) We now encourage all mailers to begin reviewing the Full-Service Mail Quality Metrics which can be found within the Electronic Tab of the Mailer Scorecard beginning with the current month of May. USPS Analysts will be available to provide guidance and answer your questions about the Mailer Scorecard during Open Line calls beginning May 11, 2016. Dial in information is located below. We encourage you to attend these calls. If you notice any irregularities or have any questions with the Mailer Scorecard report these issues through the hotline calls, PostalOne! Helpdesk at 800-522-9085 or via email . Please include the phrase “Mailer Scorecard” in the subject line of the email. The announced July date to begin assessments of Full-Service is being postponed to allow the industry additional time to access, utilize and test the Full-Service Mail Quality Metrics within the Mailer Scorecard. Below is the dial in information for the Mailer Open Line calls: Monday/Wednesday/Friday Starting May 11, 2016 (2:00pm EDT) US/Canada Attendee Dial-in: 1-855-8607461 (US)

Attendee Direct URL: Conference Code: 869 823 0018
