Mike Porter

President, Print/Mail Consultants
Aug. 6 2018
Suppose a client sends you a common name and address list. Your instructions are to merge the data with a marketing letter, stuff it into window envelopes, and mail the job. If you do those step
July 30 2018
Ever since multi-station mail inserting machines were invented, mailers have struggled with pre-printed inserts. Mailing operations must receive the inserts, add them to inventory, stage them for prod
July 16 2018
Print and mail operations job documentation can be a nuisance. As jobs change, keeping records up to date is a chore. Documentation is usually the last thing service providers address as they develop
May 29 2018
If you believe your monochrome toner printers should get you through the next couple of years, think again. The customer communications business is transforming. Money is pouring into research and dev
April 30 2018
I recall discussing customer data quality with a print/mail service provider sales rep. "It's not our problem," he explained. "We print what they send. If the data is bad, that's their problem."
money in a jar
April 19 2018
Most organizations view the effort to produce and distribute transactional documents as a necessary cost of doing business. Money spent on paper, printers, inserting equipment, postage, and production
April 2 2018
Stephen Covey always advised to "begin with the end in mind." As I look at the way many organizations approach customer communications, they seem to have lost track of true business goals. They base
March 13 2018
Experts predict that by 2020, customer experience will outweigh price and product as the key differentiator among competitors. Print and mail service providers can prepare for this transition by chang
Feb. 6 2018
Document operations departments handle lots of data. Sometimes the information is in ready-to-print form. Other times, data arrives in raw format, awaiting processing by document composition software
Jan. 30 2018
Does your company have a content marketing plan for this year? Many organizations have identified the value of published content to achieve brand awareness or nurture leads, but initiate thei
Jan. 25 2018
One thing I learned working with large corporations is the official mail center wasn’t the only mail-generation place in the company. I sometimes stumbled over rogue postal operations hidden a
Dec. 12 2017
Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, and other natural phenomena can put a document center out of operation, at least temporarily. But self-inflicted mishaps can ruin any print and mail job. Data i
Dec. 4 2017
Automated document factories (ADFs) used to be of interest primarily to high-volume transactional document producers. Today, companies of any size, mailing just about any type of documents, c
Nov. 9 2017
Transactional documents generated by client-purchased software packages are necessarily generic. Businesses have few design or layout options, leaving them dissatisfied with the appearance or function
Oct. 10 2017
If you are in the transactional document print and mail business, your clients are probably talking with you about lowering their costs. Most transactional document producers continue to focus o
Oct. 5 2017
Going to trade shows or getting calls from mailing equipment salespeople can lead mailing operations managers to conclude the answer to all their problems is new equipment. Sometimes that’s true,...
Sept. 15 2017
This is the season most business people start thinking about next year. Forecasts, plans, and budgets are activities essential for success. One thing that can get overlooked in the crush to pred
Sept. 5 2017
I vividly remember attending a conference in 1999 where presenters addressed electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) in nearly every session. You couldn’t have a conversation with anyon
Aug. 31 2017
I am dedicating these snippets of real news stories to all the hardworking people who churn out millions of personalized messages a month. Reading about these mishaps may make you sad, or elicit
July 19 2017
Document operations centers originally installed Automated Document Factories (ADFs) to streamline paper document production and improve quality. The concept has evolved with the times to add mu
