Back in the late 1990s, I was promoted into a new role that required me to manage people who were domiciled around the country. One of the first things I thought about was how I could stay conne... View More
With so many digital marketing options available today — and all the bells and whistles that come with them — direct mail is losing the battle for marketers’ dollars. But does it have... View More
I recently had the interesting experience of helping to organize a one-day event sponsored by PostalVision 2020, which brought together members of our postal ecosystem to talk about the USPS’ mailbo
Inbound package volumes are growing in all types of organizations—from law firms and educational institutions to e-commerce, manufacturing, healthcare and financial businesses. Managing incoming
The industry is changing. Businesses and their customers are interacting with each other more and more on multiple channels, including physical and, increasingly, digital platforms. At the same time... View More
Fewer than 10 years ago, most mail centers were processing mail and packages by hand. However, an era of e-commerce and data-driven technology emerged, creating an exponential increase in purchas... View More
The old saying is that “the customer is always right.” That has never been true, but the phrase is a caution against challenging customers about their demands. The theory is, as long as a... View More
The Emerging and Advanced Technology Promotion encourages mailers to integrate direct mail with advances in mobile technology, allowing recipients to engage in innovative digital experiences triggered... View More
Are you a mail owner with a mailing on the way to important customers, and you’re wondering where the mail is within the postal network? Or maybe you are a Mail Service Provider and want to offer... View More
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is offering six promotional programs in 2017, aimed at increasing mail volumes by offering incentives to mailers. Starting with the first Mobile Barcode i... View More
Back in the 1990s, I developed a presentation entitled “Information Technology for Mail Center Managers.” The section on purchasing software was pretty basic. Were your applications on a mai
Anyone who was hoping for any form of postal activity during the lame duck session of Congress will be disappointed to find only lumps of coal as Congress recessed for the year without acting on... View More
Do you want to be more successful? Then you need to get more grit. Years of research by Dr. Angela Duckworth shows that grit is a better predictor of long-term success than IQ or talent. Paul Wo... View More
UAA mail is at the heart of many long-term operational issues, such as rising print and postage costs, difficult cash flow management, poor customer service, and missed sales opportunities. And... View More
In my opinion, customer experience is the number one area where print and mail operations need to focus in 2017. If you help your clients deliver an improved customer experience, you will almost... View More
Back in the July/August 2012 issue of Mailing Systems Technology, I had written an article comparing the differences between mailing systems (postage meters) and PC Postage. Despite almost five... View More
Having two children who fall into the millennial generation, I have been forced to understand the phenomenon known as social media. Why do I label it a phenomenon, you may ask? Well, to me texti... View More
At the end of 2015, I wrote an article that was an attempt to help the postal industry plan for what would be in store for 2016. One year later, I am attempting the same feat as I look into a ve... View More
I’ve been in the direct mail industry for nearly 20 years. And I can count on one hand -- okay, one finger -- how many times postage rates have gone down in the last two decades. They usually... View More
Big Data can be a scary proposition for seasoned professionals in the customer communications business. It sounds like something that requires a PhD to figure out. What analysts refer to as Big... View More