Some things in life create great impact – a wedding, a divorce, having kids… these are the kinds of events that change a person. Pandemics fall into this category, too, demonstrating how... View More
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service today announced its financial results for the 2021 fiscal year ended September 30, reporting an adjusted loss of $6.9 billion for 2021, compared to an adjusted los
What do you sell? If you said 'mailing services', you've got lots of company. Try typing 'mailing services near me' into Google and you’ll see how many web pages are vying for attention... View More
There are many ways to reduce the costs associated with how expedited documents and parcels are shipped, and they are not necessarily the traditional ways that have defined the industry. The... View More
This holiday season, retailers face a new reality as the industry acknowledges the impact of broad changes in consumer shopping habits. Shoppers have become more familiar and reliant on social... View More
I’ve worked in the mailing industry for four decades now (hard to believe, and yes, I started as a baby!). During that time, I’ve seen our industry go through many changes — many Postmas
Direct mail is a bit like today’s Olympians; they both require a higher level of performance and steadfast effort to secure a medal and a position on the podium. As time passes, new competit... View More
Do you believe the old adage that people are your number one asset in the business? If so, your company culture is a close second. Your company’s culture is the determining factor in how mot... View More
When you visit a doctor’s office, they have their medical school diploma hanging on the wall. If they’re a specialist, they’ll also include their certification in the specific field,... View More
Nothing is more inevitable than evolution. Evolution happens in fits and starts as determined by necessity; innovations typically happen gradually and sequentially, with one invention informin... View More
Back when I began my service bureau career, we were all about batch processing. It was the era of big iron where we wrote custom programs that executed on mainframe computers and generated mou... View More
If you’re not tracking your mail, you’re missing out on opportunities to gather important information to improve whatever results you are trying to achieve. When you track mail, you can... View More
WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Postal Service reported updated fiscal fourth quarter service delivery performance that showed steady improvements versus the third quarter ended June 30 for all Fi... View More
Over the past year, the USPS has been inundated with system process changes, an overwhelming holiday season, a worldwide pandemic, and a shift in priorities toward packages. This leaves mailers with a
The key to delivering your strategy is having a strong and meaningful culture. The key to a strong and meaningful culture is having the right people, in the right roles. The challenge many of... View More
There are several living generations of consumers, and each generation has its own preferences in terms of how they like to shop, how they spend money, and how they want to be marketed to. You... View More
By 2025, it’s estimated that COVID-19 will have cost the world somewhere between $16 trillion and $35 trillion, according to a panel led by McKinsey. This is the rough equivalent to wiping t... View More
Most of us likely remember the well-publicized Ford tagline, “Quality is Job One!” (which Ford used in advertising for nearly 20 years, and their latest CEO recently brought back for inter
In our July/August issue, we profiled six industry solution providers who can help you implement changes to your vote by mail processes. Click the button below to read the full profiles, and when you... View More
Eleven years ago, I wrote an article for this magazine about the document industry's environmental efforts. The article pointed out that during a recession, economic strategies were likely to... View More